ParaSwing EA


Type of EA: Trend, Coverage

ParaSwing EA

  • Trend:
    • The EA utilizes a variety of indicators including Envelopes, Bollinger Bands, and Stochastic Oscillator to identify trends and determine trade direction.
    • The EA will enter trades based on the alignment of these indicators on different timeframes, looking for signals such as price crossing Envelopes and the relationship between Stochastic Oscillator lines.
  • Coverage:
    • The EA uses a form of dynamic order management where it adjusts the stop-loss and take-profit levels based on ATR values and market volatility.
    • If the trend changes or conditions are no longer favorable, the EA closes existing positions and opens new ones in the opposite direction.

Order Management:

  • The EA employs a risk management strategy based on a percentage of free margin or a fixed lot size.
  • Dynamic adjustment of stop loss and take profit based on the ATR value and the trend direction.
  • The EA is designed to work with varying market conditions, including consolidation and trending phases, adjusting its approach accordingly.
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